Label: Self Released
All Songs Written and Composed by Meltybrains?
Recorded by The Deaf Brothers @ The Meadow
Mixed by The Deaf Brothers @ Twin Towers
Mastered by Matt Colton
Released: 2016
Another one from Meltybrains? Kiss Yourself EP sessions that Rían and myself (AKA Deaf Brothers) recorded down in The Meadow. I know that this is a bit of an old one for the band and that Bob Gallagher did an amazing live vid of this one a while back but this is one of the best studio vids I've put together during the recording process. Love the build in this and the way it just gets more and more intense. Vocals recorded in Abbey a few weeks later during mixing.
So glad this vid was finally dropped today. This was my favourite track from Meltybrains? Kiss Yourself EP that Rían and myself (AKA Deaf Brothers) recorded down in The Meadow. Loved the drum sound we got together, the epic soundscape that was created for such a tiny piece of music and the ridiculous car horn at the end. Think this vid encapsulates all of that. I have one more vid from these sessions to drop tomorrow.
First full roll of film I shot during a session. 35mm shots from the making of Meltybrains? - Kiss Yourself EP at The Meadow with Deaf Bros. Heavily processed the film scans after the fact - to match the digital collection of shots from the sessions which will appear at some stage soon.